WELCOME. G-CASH FLOW is a platform where you can find the best trusted global opportunities.We are dedicated to ensure you get the right information on global businesses and economy. We promise never to share second hand ideas here or any message that will not transform your financial level.So feel at home, believe in us as we are on a mission and that is to help people, and we believe you deserve it.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
*Blockbuster refused to buy Netflix for $50 million, Netflix is now worth $64.7 BILLION. (And where is Blockbuster?)*
*MySpace rejected Facebook's original purchase price, Facebook is now worth $439 BILLION. (And where is MySpace?)*
*George Bell, then CEO of Excite, refused to buy Google for $750,000, Google is now worth $641 BILLION. (And where is Excite?)*
*Ross Perot refused to buy into Microsoft for $60 million, Microsoft is now worth $507.5 BILLION. (And where is Ross Perot?)*
*When people say NO to you, just keep going.*
*You're worth MORE than you know and your time is coming.*
*When they laugh at your goals and dreams, let them laugh while you keep going.*
*REMEMBER: most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who had kept on trying, when there seems to be no hope at all, and perseverance transformed average everyday people into world of champions....
Average people look for ways to spend money. Billionaires look for ways to invest money.
Average people invest just a little. Billionaires know that investing is the key to abundance.
Average people think a better job will make them wealthy. Billionaires know that a job will never make them wealthy; investment will.
Average people stay away from risk because they might fail. Billionaires know if they don't take risk, they have already failed.
Average people try to avoid problems. Billionaires see problems as an opportunity to make millions.
Average people prepare for today. Billionaires prepare today for the opportunities of tomorrow.
Average people waste time. Billionaires see time as their most valuable asset.
*Average people are always afraid of losing money. Billionaires know if they don't lose money they cannot be wiser, smarter and stronger.*
Make that life-changing decision today.
There are millions of ways one can make more money this year, but there are also rules you keep to ensure this become possible. The little piece below are your guidelines to maximize 2018 which just started. So don't join those who would tell stories of how super-rich some folks got this year, join among those their stories would be told.
1. Have defined programs: You must have defined programs, what and what you must do in 2018.
2. Think of creating values: Most people lack cash because they do not have values they create or even market. So think of the products you can produce or market since people must consume, then others must also sell to make money.
3. Think of things you must stop buying: If you can't buy according to your order of necessity, then you will waste money and stay broke.
4. Save: You must learn how to save, it takes great discipline to keep money especially when you feel you are in competition with people.
5. Invest money: Secret of wealth is investment and cash flow is evidence of wealth. Increase your cash portfolio by investing in trusted businesses.
Have you check the wealthy affiliates? Honestly you wont like to miss out, check it below and build your online business at easy, stop struggling for money when you can leverage from the internet without having to pay for tax, shop, electricity, transport or even buy products , check it out below.
Have you check the wealthy affiliates? Honestly you wont like to miss out, check it below and build your online business at easy, stop struggling for money when you can leverage from the internet without having to pay for tax, shop, electricity, transport or even buy products , check it out below.
Friday, December 15, 2017
You want to know why?
How many times did ads flash on your phone screen today, yesterday or even this month and did you request for any? Sometimes you consider most of them irrelevant and remove them, and those ones you think are so interesting is smartly clicked and them the link will open. Virtually average humans using smart phones experience this, not just in your country but globally.
Millions of online Publishers and Advertisers not embrace this method and reach their targeted traffic without stress. The truth is this, most of the companies running online adverts could actually e joined without investing any doland once you have very good niche and products to sell to your market, you can make millions of dollars through this medium.
Now if that be the case, I don't think is necessary to pay huge amount of dollars to run adverts on television or radio, even billboards are not that important. Such companies like propeller ads,viglink and so on can prepare banners for affiliate marketers which they promote and earn commission when people start responding positively.
Online Advertisers and Publishers will never argue on the positive sides of this game which has turned countless number of people to millionaires. So open your eyes, the next time you have any EVENT like business summing or symposium, you could actually boycott advertising media platforms like radio and television and create your awareness online with little or now financial commitments and still make cool money out of it.
You want to know why?
How many times did ads flash on your phone screen today, yesterday or even this month and did you request for any? Sometimes you consider most of them irrelevant and remove them, and those ones you think are so interesting is smartly clicked and them the link will open. Virtually average humans using smart phones experience this, not just in your country but globally.
Millions of online Publishers and Advertisers not embrace this method and reach their targeted traffic without stress. The truth is this, most of the companies running online adverts could actually e joined without investing any doland once you have very good niche and products to sell to your market, you can make millions of dollars through this medium.
Now if that be the case, I don't think is necessary to pay huge amount of dollars to run adverts on television or radio, even billboards are not that important. Such companies like propeller ads,viglink and so on can prepare banners for affiliate marketers which they promote and earn commission when people start responding positively.
Online Advertisers and Publishers will never argue on the positive sides of this game which has turned countless number of people to millionaires. So open your eyes, the next time you have any EVENT like business summing or symposium, you could actually boycott advertising media platforms like radio and television and create your awareness online with little or now financial commitments and still make cool money out of it.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
JEFF BEZOS , the Amazon CEO who has emerged twice as world's riches man, dethroned the famous Bill Gates has erupted the printing press business. Jeff who started has business in a garage has proven to the world that success can be achieved from the dust.
He was neither born with silver spoon as many would claim, but he believed in his vision and dream to build a system where authors can publish their work in less than 7 minutes.
I am an author and I know how I have suffered trying to publish and market my books. My first attempt was hell as the publisher escaped with my money and even closed up his workshop following economic crisis, and it almost demoralized me. Another attempt failed when launchers picked copies on pledges and returned no dime.
I finally made up my mind to QUIT and started looking for people who would buy the scripts either for stage works. Surfing the INTERNET there was a pop up on my phone screen, "SELL YOUR BOOKS ON AMAZON" and I got interested and clicked on the ad. Within few minutes after converting my books to DOC and the paperback to PDF, my book appeared on kindle and for a long time I have been earning commissions.
Only those who have not published in Amazon will argue on this, but I will tell you that in less than 7 minutes with Amazon kindle, you will become a published author.
Amazon has numerous advantages for publishers especially those who are just beginners.
*Your books get published within minutes without you spending any dime.
* Amazon do the selling even to people in the UK, US, INDIA, etc and you get commissions from each sales.
You still earn from Amazon kindle for each of your book pages that people read, and also earn other royalties available for publishers.
Amazon is a choice you can't fail to make. Sell your passion ONLINE and generate CASH FLOW. You can continue your step by step approach to becoming Amazon seller ------> http://redirect.viglink.com/?key=779e1231e6f9bc90a63a95c5213f2fa0&u=http%3A%2F%2Famazon.com.br
JEFF BEZOS , the Amazon CEO who has emerged twice as world's riches man, dethroned the famous Bill Gates has erupted the printing press business. Jeff who started has business in a garage has proven to the world that success can be achieved from the dust.
He was neither born with silver spoon as many would claim, but he believed in his vision and dream to build a system where authors can publish their work in less than 7 minutes.
I am an author and I know how I have suffered trying to publish and market my books. My first attempt was hell as the publisher escaped with my money and even closed up his workshop following economic crisis, and it almost demoralized me. Another attempt failed when launchers picked copies on pledges and returned no dime.
I finally made up my mind to QUIT and started looking for people who would buy the scripts either for stage works. Surfing the INTERNET there was a pop up on my phone screen, "SELL YOUR BOOKS ON AMAZON" and I got interested and clicked on the ad. Within few minutes after converting my books to DOC and the paperback to PDF, my book appeared on kindle and for a long time I have been earning commissions.
Only those who have not published in Amazon will argue on this, but I will tell you that in less than 7 minutes with Amazon kindle, you will become a published author.
Amazon has numerous advantages for publishers especially those who are just beginners.
*Your books get published within minutes without you spending any dime.
* Amazon do the selling even to people in the UK, US, INDIA, etc and you get commissions from each sales.
You still earn from Amazon kindle for each of your book pages that people read, and also earn other royalties available for publishers.
Amazon is a choice you can't fail to make. Sell your passion ONLINE and generate CASH FLOW. You can continue your step by step approach to becoming Amazon seller ------> http://redirect.viglink.com/?key=779e1231e6f9bc90a63a95c5213f2fa0&u=http%3A%2F%2Famazon.com.br
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
When I heard about SuperLife Global company, I thought it was those kind of scam, a friend had told me from Abuja that it was going to be the best testimony for 2017. Although had friar for multi level marketing, as a matter of fact, the ones I tried before failed me and I made up my mind never...
But when I looked into the company's website at www.superlifeworld.com and studied their marketing plan and products, I made up my mind and invested $1040. I had no idea who to refer, but I knew I was so optimistic that I would make it.One day I decided to get out of my comfort zone and get fans to know about the system. I got so impressed at the first lady I met who recruited more than 15 people in less than twonweeks. Since it's a binary system, so inhad to work smart again and introduced another person to the other leg who did even the greatest work. In less than 5 months I made $10,000 from the efforts of my parents and I also did helped a lot of people because the system maintains just two direct legs. I have been in the business now and honestly I have made thousands of dollars.
The system pays for every single thing you do even when you haven't gotten any person to join, you can be earning from the pairing bonus.
Africa being a very large market is privileged to found favour in the eyes SuperLife CEO who now brought out 200 CAR AWARD for AFRICANS. Join SuperLife now and own your Executive, Luxury or Compact Car in less than Six months plus amazing cash offer.
SuperLife no doubt could turn out to be the best best choice you made before the year ends. Join the SuperLife Record Breakers Team today https://chat.whatsapp.com/KEik2ATxEm46oXJuN7l8AC and generate cash flow while leveraging the digital platform.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
I am very sure nobody would want to loose money, but I will tell you that in trying to avoid losing money many have lost millions without knowing it. If there are things you ought to know at your age that suppose to be paying you some cash but out of ignorance you don't know them, then you are losing money.
How many times have people tried to convince you into joining one business club or the other but out of fear of lose you decided not to join and yet the business project have been paying members?
One typical example is when you invite people to join MLM [multi level marketing] company they will either refuse because they were either victims of ponzi like MMM.
People also want to avoid what they normally call risk, but unfortunately they do not know exactly what risk means. If someone has asked you to invest a million dollar in a business that can pay five million dollars in nearby future and you eventually did and earned such, that is risk. If you lose the money that is also risk.
Both the gained and who lost took risk.Now if I should invest a million dollar and earned five million dollars, probably I do not have up to such amount be I invested, so what I did was simply used my one million dollar to get the five million dollars which I do not have. That is risk.
Again if I get lose, probably I never experienced such lose before, since that will teach me some lessons and make me wiser when it comes to investment; especially trying to know much about the company background and what value they offer before investing, then I have used my one million dollar to get lose, and what I lost is five million dollars which I would have gained had the investment pay for real. In all what happened? I simply used what I have to get what I do not have or added to what I have, that is risk. Have you ever lost money on investment and how did you feel? Who is to blame for your lose? Since it all started with your decision, then you are to blame, but no regrets because you simply took risk which is normal.
Yes, if you see places where you can lose more money invest, but remember you can win and you will never know how possible until you try.
The famous ALIKO DANGOTE of Africa counted he lose to over 6billion this year and yet he is still the richest person in Africa. The truth is that if DANGOTE will stop investing and risking his money for losing such amount, he will start loosing more money because his competitors will dominate the market.
The AMERICA BILLIONAIRE RICHARD BRANSON said that not taking risk is the biggest risk.
Find out if you are risk avers and if you are, begin now to master risks, know the ones worth taking and never hesitate to take the risk, lose, lose and lose again, Fail,, fail and fail again for such are stepping stones to winning.
ONLY THE WISE LOSE AND WIN I believe you are wise, now win with me
Monday, December 11, 2017
To me, making money online could be fun, even though there are lots of internet scammers out there, there are still thousands of legit online businesses. In this 21st century, we are leaving in a world of information and virtually majority of the answers to our everyday challenges could be found on the internet. Take google for instance, are there answers you have never found therein? In the third world especially, leveraging on the internet can be ironical and those who are still naive attributes anything online to be scam or yahoo. Those who really understood this very well and earlier have made millions of dollars leveraging on the internet.
Don't ever kill yourself searching those petty sites that promises you instant cash, many of them could be scam and they will just suck your data. But if you have made up your mind to leverage on the internet, I must tell you that you have made the right choice and will encourage you to follow our updates on on G-CASH FLOW as we will continue to furnish you with legitimate online affiliate companies could channel your funnel and generate cash flow.
To start with one, click on the link above and signup with our partner affiliate company, some bulk dollars you will make today will open your eyes and make you feel crazy.
To me, making money online could be fun, even though there are lots of internet scammers out there, there are still thousands of legit online businesses. In this 21st century, we are leaving in a world of information and virtually majority of the answers to our everyday challenges could be found on the internet. Take google for instance, are there answers you have never found therein? In the third world especially, leveraging on the internet can be ironical and those who are still naive attributes anything online to be scam or yahoo. Those who really understood this very well and earlier have made millions of dollars leveraging on the internet.
Don't ever kill yourself searching those petty sites that promises you instant cash, many of them could be scam and they will just suck your data. But if you have made up your mind to leverage on the internet, I must tell you that you have made the right choice and will encourage you to follow our updates on on G-CASH FLOW as we will continue to furnish you with legitimate online affiliate companies could channel your funnel and generate cash flow.
To start with one, click on the link above and signup with our partner affiliate company, some bulk dollars you will make today will open your eyes and make you feel crazy.
''show me an extravagant man who doesn't think investments
and i will show you a man who will be be crying for money tomorrow''.
-Kenechukwu Malachy.
We really have three lifestyle choices financially, regardless of our income level.
either live within or below your means. Is that a pretty safe assumption
– that God is not trying to teach us how to live beyond our means? If we want to be stewards living within or below our means, we have to handle the spending issues.
''show me an extravagant man who doesn't think investments
and i will show you a man who will be be crying for money tomorrow''.
-Kenechukwu Malachy.
Three Financial Lifestyle Choices
I know there are things you would like to return or even charities you would go get back if I ask you to submit list of your spending last 11 months, that has affected all of us in one way or the other,but if we could improve in our financial lifestyle, things will go a long way to improve for better.
Read meditatively and be wise in your daily money management ensure steady cash flow, the most effective way to ensure proper use of your money is to think twice before spending on values, and my best advice to you goes in three ways viz
1. Invest your money before anything you will do with it.
2. Save after investing or reinvesting part of it.
3. Spend especially on things that will not become liabilities.
We really have three lifestyle choices financially, regardless of our income level.
1. Living above our means. This lifestyle will mean increasing debt and stress to be sure.
2. Living within our means. This is what we
all assume is the right way to live. It will result in a steady,
balanced cash flow and will give a person freedom from the bondage of
debt and significant financial worries.
all assume is the right way to live. It will result in a steady,
balanced cash flow and will give a person freedom from the bondage of
debt and significant financial worries.
3. Living below our means. This is the
lifestyle many Christians have never considered, but need to. It will
also result in a steady, balanced cash flow and freedom, but it also
accomplishes more. Living below our means really prepares us to
experience some additional blessings.
lifestyle many Christians have never considered, but need to. It will
also result in a steady, balanced cash flow and freedom, but it also
accomplishes more. Living below our means really prepares us to
experience some additional blessings.
Why should we consider living below our means? First
of all, it’s the key to contentment – because we constantly realize
there are things we choose not to buy. I learn daily what I can live
without because I actually have the ability to get them, but I don’t.
of all, it’s the key to contentment – because we constantly realize
there are things we choose not to buy. I learn daily what I can live
without because I actually have the ability to get them, but I don’t.
Secondly, when we spend less than we earn, we are
free to give more than we even planned. When I spend less than I have, I
discover that God has allowed me more money which He wants me to
manage. Then when opportunities arise, I am free to give as God leads
free to give more than we even planned. When I spend less than I have, I
discover that God has allowed me more money which He wants me to
manage. Then when opportunities arise, I am free to give as God leads
Thirdly, when I spend less than I earn, my
stewardship has a good chance of outlasting my own life. For one thing,
if I’m a parent, I can be an example to my children. Many young adults
and families struggle financially in their early years because they are
used to the lifestyle of their parents. But our adult children may or
may not be able to live at the level we live. Maybe the larger problem
often is that children follow the philosophy of their parents that they
should spend all the money they get. But if we as parents consistently
demonstrate contentment by limiting our lifestyle, that’s the principle
they can learn. And we are doing them and our grandchildren a huge
stewardship has a good chance of outlasting my own life. For one thing,
if I’m a parent, I can be an example to my children. Many young adults
and families struggle financially in their early years because they are
used to the lifestyle of their parents. But our adult children may or
may not be able to live at the level we live. Maybe the larger problem
often is that children follow the philosophy of their parents that they
should spend all the money they get. But if we as parents consistently
demonstrate contentment by limiting our lifestyle, that’s the principle
they can learn. And we are doing them and our grandchildren a huge
The other way that our stewardship can outlast the
years we have on earth is by leaving money to ministries. Indeed leaving
an inheritance to children is a good thing (Proverbs 13:22),
but leaving some of it to serve God’s kingdom purposes might be even
better. The only way to gather an inheritance is to spend consistently
less than we earn.
Let’s assume that God is challenging you and me to years we have on earth is by leaving money to ministries. Indeed leaving
an inheritance to children is a good thing (Proverbs 13:22),
but leaving some of it to serve God’s kingdom purposes might be even
better. The only way to gather an inheritance is to spend consistently
less than we earn.
either live within or below your means. Is that a pretty safe assumption
– that God is not trying to teach us how to live beyond our means? If we want to be stewards living within or below our means, we have to handle the spending issues.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
1. Know your expenses.
My view? Never discount. But if you do, know the costs and impact of what you’re offering and be prepared for the fallout. Among other things, you'll need to know your overall cost basis -- that is, what you paid for something. You should also know your how much you should ideally charge, the cost of your offer and the profit margins on your product or service. How else will you know if your discount has you breaking even or operating at a loss? To do the math, see our break even calculator.
2. Bundle products and services.
Even though discounting isn't always recommended, adding value is. By creating bundles of products or services, for instance, businesses can inject tremendous amounts of perceived -- and tangible -- value into their offerings for very little cost.
A good example is the maintenance agreements some car manufacturers are now providing with the purchase of a new car. Not only does that type of offer help allay a major concern or frustration customers have -- paying for a breakdown or time lost at the dealership -- it also offers real value in terms of limiting out-of-pocket maintenance costs.
Put more simply, you can increase your price point initially since you've helped lower a perceived risk by offering something as basic as a guarantee.
3. Create a back-end product or service.
If you know your initial offer to reel in new customers won’t be profitable, find ways to create higher price points on back-end products or services. Perhaps the first hour of catering is free, but subsequent hours shoot up in price. Or maybe an attorney will agree to draft your will for less if she thinks you're a likely candidate for estate-planning consultations in the future.
4. Encourage repeat business.
If you're in a volume-driven business like retail, landing repeat shoppers is your holy grail for cash flow, profit and growth. In most cases, you won’t start to profit on a customer until the third, fourth or even fifth transaction. For this reason, you need to devote your efforts toward getting customers coming back -- and more often.
Consider loyalty programs, VIP offers and other frequent-shopper programs, which can be ideal vehicles for systematizing repeat business. Also keep in mind that the word "free" is a popular incentive among shoppers, and the costs of funding a freebie may easily be covered as long as you're dealing with excess inventory or low-cost, but valuable add-ons.
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WHY YOU NEED TO THlNK DIFFERENTLY TO BECOME A BILLIONAIRE* *Blockbuster refused to buy Netflix for $50 million, Netflix is now worth $64....
PEOPLE WHOSE FAILURE INSPIRED ME. How many times have you tried to rise and fall again? Now I have a good news for you. I am also an ex...